Saturday, October 26, 2013

Great Cloth Diaper Hunt

Hello Hunters!

So glad you're here. Learn a little bit about what's happening at my Etsy store here on my blog. Do a little window shopping there, too. If you see something you like, don't forget to use the special discount code for the GCDH at checkout. Check out the facebook page, while you're at it! Give it a like and comment on the highlighted post for an entry into a $10 discount code.

Friday, October 25, 2013


I asked my two year old what she wanted to be for Halloween. This is about how it went on the three different occasions I tried (characters varied each time):

"Do you want to be...Mickey Mouse?"
"NO WAYYYYY!" (with giant sweeping arm-motion similar to "all done" sign language)
"Do you want to be...Minnie Mouse?"
"NO WAYYYYY!" (again with the arm...)
"A monkey?"
"A lion?"
"Princess Sophia? A duck? A pumpkin? An m&m?"

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Balancing Act

Balance. It's a place so many of us struggle to find. I recently returned to my full time teaching job after maternity leave. I got to stay home with my Sweet P until she was nearly 3 months old (I know I'm fortunate for that time and fortunate that I work in a wonderful school that understands the needs of new moms). As I try to settle into this role of full time teacher, mom of two, wife, and crazy lady who has a part-time sewing business, I sometimes leave myself feeling...anxious. And then I think about all the things I'm doing and why I'm doing them.